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Night Cup Herbal Tea in Separate Bag

Night cup herbal tea is a blend of natural herbs that promotes relaxation and helps you have a deep and restful sleep. In a hotel, you serve it in the room... In each Moly Herbal Tea:

Α. The name Night cup tells the truth about the action of our mixture of herbs. Read our herbs * no food supplements

Β. Our herbal mixtures are organic, free from dyes, additives, artificial flavors, caffeine, gluten, and sugar. Teabag is biodegradable,

C. Because of their patent, they are handmade.

D. Because of their nature, naturally caffeine-free,

E. because of their true herbal stem a real experience for your clients. It is our global patent <tea bag with herbal stem> Tips: To enjoy the full and unique flavor of our herbs, we recommend you do not add sugar or honey. for action and taste/ HOT or COLD/ no need of sugar •

Our herbs: Sideritis scardica, Passiflora incarnate, Scutellaria lateriflora, Humulus lupulus, Lavandula angustifolia, Withania somnifera, Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Made in Greece

Collections: TEA

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